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Do you put swim cap on first or goggles

by chenxiaoxia 05 Jun 2023 0 Comments

For beginner swimmers, it can be confusing to know the correct order for putting on swim gear. Some may wonder, do you put on the swim cap or goggles first? Let's explore the answer to this common swimming question.

The general recommendation is to put on the swim cap first before the goggles. The reason for this is that the swim cap helps to keep hair out of the face and eyes, which can interfere with the fit and seal of the goggles. Additionally, the swim cap helps to reduce water flow and drag, making swimming more efficient.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to properly put on swim gear:

  1. Wet your hair: Wetting your hair before putting on the swim cap helps to prevent any discomfort and pulling of hair.

  2. Put on the swim cap: Place the swim cap on your forehead and pull it over your head towards the nape of your neck. Smooth out any wrinkles or bumps to ensure a secure fit.

  3. Put on the goggles: Place the goggles over your eyes and adjust the straps to fit comfortably, ensuring that the seal is tight enough to prevent water from entering the goggles.

By following this sequence, your goggles should be held secure in place by the swim cap. This will also help prevent the swim cap from slipping off.

In conclusion, it's recommended to put on the swim cap first before the goggles. This will help to keep hair out of the face and improve the fit and seal of the goggles. Remember to adjust and test both the swim cap and goggles before entering the water to ensure proper fit and comfort.

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