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Why do my eyes get blurry when I swim without goggles

by chenxiaoxia 01 Jun 2023 0 Comments

Perhaps you’ve experienced this before: you hop in the pool for a quick swim without goggles, and suddenly your vision becomes blurry. It can be infuriating, but why does this happen?

The primary reason for blurry vision when swimming without goggles is due to a combination of water chemistry and physical properties. Swimming pools are often treated with chemicals like chlorine, which can irritate and dry out your eyes. When you open your eyes underwater without any protection, your tears will quickly wash away, leaving your unprotected eyes exposed to the effects of the pool water.

Additionally, the physical effects of water pressure on your eyes can cause vision problems. When you’re submerged in water, it creates pressure on your eyes that can change the shape of your cornea, the transparent layer on the front of your eye. This can cause temporary changes in your vision, such as blurriness or distortion.

Another factor that can contribute to blurry vision while swimming is simply saltwater or pool water getting into your eyes, which can cause irritation and discomfort. If you swim frequently without goggles, your eyes may also be more prone to infections or other issues related to exposure to pool water.

To avoid blurry vision while swimming, it’s important to wear goggles, especially if you swim frequently or for long periods of time. Goggles provide a barrier between your eyes and pool water, keeping your eyes safe and comfortable while you swim. Additionally, make sure to take breaks and come up for air frequently to help prevent changes in eye pressure that may lead to blurry vision.

In summary, blurry vision while swimming without goggles can be caused by a combination of water chemistry, physical pressure on your eyes, and exposure to irritants. To protect your eyes while swimming, invest in a good pair of goggles and take breaks frequently to give your eyes a much-needed rest.

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